IHE Delft Institute for Water Education
Yasir A. Mohamed ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR Yasir A. Mohamed is a civil engineer by training and specialised in hydroclimatology and water resources. He is presently professor of water resources management and Director General of the Hydraulic Research Centre, HRC-Sudan, formerly known as HRS-Sudan. As a joint appointee, he is associate professor of water resources management at IHE Delft, The Netherlands. Andreja Jonoski ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR Andreja Jonoski is an Associate Professor of Hydroinformatics within the Hydroinformatics Chair Group at IHE Delft Institute for water education, with teaching and research responsibilities in: - hydroinformatics - groundwater modelling - hydrological and hydraulic modelling - coupling of simulation models with optimisation models - decision support systems - Internet- and mobile phone-based distributed applications |
Hydraulics Research Center
Abu Obieda B. Ahmed Associate Professor Associate Professor Abu Obieda has a broad experience, covering the different aspects of hydrology, water resources and hydraulics engineering, gained during his 32+ years practice. His main experience has been achieved in the fields of river morphology, integrated water resources management, water harvesting and calibration of hydraulic structures. He led a lot of multidisciplinary studies. Such studies required extensive hydrographic survey, physical modeling, soil classification, hydrologic analysis and decision making Hana Altom Assis. Researcher Engineer Hana Altom is an assistant researcher has been working with the Hydraulics Research Center (HRC – Sudan) since 2015. During this period Eng. Hana has been involved in number of the research projects; she has achieved a good experience in hydrological data processing and analysis and modelling mostly with river basin simulation models. Yasir M. O. Hageltom Researcher My experience has been achieved in the field of conducting field work, analyzing data, preparing reports, technical and financial proposals. I participated in some projects such as: - Spate irrigation project: Hydrological Data Analysis in Gash River, sponsored by HRC and UNESCO-IHE. - Smart-ICT for Weather and Water Information in Gash River Project sponsored by HRC, IWMI and funded by IFAD. - Sediment Monitoring Program for the Blue Nile and Atbara River. - Sedimentation and operation study for Atbara Dams complex: Hydrological data processing for Atbara River stations. - Participating in bathymetric survey of Merowe dam reservoir. - Assessment of the impacts of the GERD on the downstream hydrology and water resources: Hydrological data Analysis, White Nile and Main Nile stations. |
Ethiopian Institute of Water Resources
Geremew Sahilu G. Director, Ethiopian Institute of Water Resources Dr. Geremew Sahilu is the Director of the Ethiopian Institute of Water Resources - Addis Ababa University. He is also the President of the Ethiopian Association of Civil Engineers (EACE). During his career he was interested in many research areas such as: Water Supply and Sanitation, Urban drainage, Storm water management, Decision support systems, Sustainability issues of water infrastructures, Hydropower development and Infrastructure management and evaluation. Elias Tedla Elias Tedla received the B.Sc degree in Agricultural Engineering from Hawassa University in 2006. He received two M.Sc. degrees in Natural Resources and Environment as well as in Water Resource Engineering and Management from Czech University of Life Sciences Prague and University of Stuttgart in 2009 and 2010, respectively. He is currently serving Hawassa University with lecturing courses of Hydropower Engineering, Engineering Hydrology, and Water Resource Systems Analysis. He is also a PhD research fellow at the Ethiopian Institute of Water Resources (EIWR), Addis Ababa University. Mamo Kassegn Sisay Researcher Mamo Kassegn Sisay is Lecturer/Researcher at Ethiopian Institute of Water Resources, Addis Ababa University. He had worked for the National Meteorology Agency (NMA) of Ethiopia for about five years as a meteorologist before joining Addis Ababa University. His major tasks during the experience at NMA were Climate data analysis & forecasting services for Hydro/Agro/ Meteorological application & early warning. He has special interests in the areas of climate prediction and modelling, water resources management, Hydroclimatology and oceanic circulations. Currently, Mamo is a PhD candidate at his home Institute. Yonas G. Abebe Yonas G. Abebe has earned his bachelor and master’s degrees from Alemaya University in Agricultural Engineering and Soil and Water (Irrigation) Engineering. He has worked as an agricultural water management researcher in Amhara Agricultural Research Institute and has also taught at Hawassa University in the department of Irrigation and Water Resources Engineering. Currently, he is working in Ethiopian Institute of Water Resources, Addis Ababa University where he is a PhD fellow. His research interests are Water Resource and hydrologic modeling, lakes and river management and Agricultural water management. |