Tekeze – Atbara Documentary Film

This documentary film is part of the communication activities of the ongoing research project “River Basin Simulation for improved water management in the Tekezze – Atbara Sub-basin, 2017-2018”. The research project is implemented by the Hydraulics Research Center (lead), the Ethiopian Institute for Water Resources – Addis Ababa University, and IHE–Delft. The project is funded by the DUPC2 program of IHE Delft.

The objective of the documentary film is to spotlight the Tekezze – Atbara River (a sub-basin of the Nile), by giving give information about the river itself, land, water and people living in the basin.

The film was produced by HRC-Sudan and Cewas, with financial support from ITT – TH Köln (Germany), and DUPC2 program of IHE-Delft.

Planning and pre-production of the film started in December 2017 to prepare the storyboard before start shooting which took about 2 consecutive weeks shooting in Ethiopia and Sudan during February 2018. The shooting started from the source of Tekeze in Ethiopia and moving downstream crossing the border between Sudan and Ethiopia until reaching the confluence of Atbara River and the Main Nile. Interviews have been done during the same period in Ethiopia and Sudan with people from the basin and technical and political experts.

 Arabic version                                                          Amharic version