Field Trip –Gedaref State

Posted on: December 20, 2020

Geographic focus and Duration: The project’s team decided to visit Gadarif and Kassla as they are the states which include the sub-basin of Tekeze-Atbara , in this phase, the team  went to the sub-basin localities :(Elfashga .elgurisha) at Gadarif from the 4th  to 12 of december.2020.

Map for the catchment area


The main objectives of the Field trip was to understand and assess the current situation of cooperation over Tekeze – Atbara sub basin between Sudan and Ethiopia, through consultation with wide range of stakeholders to identify and recommend designs of institutional set-ups for regional cooperation for the operation of the T-A reservoir system.

Data collection:

Several methodologies and approaches were adopted during the assessment, FGD, Questionnaires, group discussion and Interviews.


Group Discussion