MSc Thesis Research Opportunities

Posted on: September 10, 2019


The Hydraulic Research Center (HRC) is looking for highly motivated candidates to conduct MSc research studies under the umbrella Tekeze-Atbara project, jointly conducted with EiWR and IHE.

River basin simulation for improved transboundary water management in the Nile: Case study of the Tekeze-Atbara sub-basin

The research is on the following topics:

  1. Seasonal forecasting for improved operation of reservoirs system.
  2. Optimization of transboundary reservoirs system .
  3. Reservoir operation from the sky.
  4. Reservoir sedimentation.

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The Tekeze-Atbara sub-basin: From river basin simulations towards cooperative approaches for transboundary water management

The research is on the following topics:

  1. Possible institutional structures for cooperation on transboundary water management in the Nile: case study of the Tekeze-Atbara sub-basin.
  2. Basin scale issues versus international water law: case study of the Tekeze-Atbara sub-basin in the Nile basin.

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